Source code for rapoc.models.rosseland

import warnings

import astropy.constants as const
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from .model import Model

[docs]class Rosseland(Model): ''' Rosseland model class. This class implements the Rosseland Opacity model: .. math:: \\frac{1}{k} = \\frac{\\int_{\\nu_1}^{\\nu_2} k_{\\nu}^{-1} u(\\nu, T) d\\nu} {\\int_{\\nu_1}^{\\nu_2} u(\\nu, T) d\\nu} where :math:`\\nu_1` and :math:`\\nu_2` are the investigated frequency band edges, :math:`k_{\\nu}` is the input data opacity at a given frequency, and :math:`u(\\nu,T)` is the black body temperature derivative: .. math:: u(\\nu, T) = \\frac{\\partial B(\\nu, T)}{\\partial T} = 2 \\frac{h^2 \\nu^4}{c^2 k_b} \\frac{1}{T^2} \\frac{e^{\\frac{h \\nu}{k_b T}}}{(e^{\\frac{h \\nu}{k_b T}} -1)^2} Attributes ---------- input_data: str or dict data file name or data dictionary model_name: str model name band: tuple investigated band. Is initialised only after the use of :func:`` selected_grid: astropy.units.Quantity investigated grid. Is initialised only after the use of :func:`` mol: str molecule name mol_mass: astropy.units.Quantity molecular mass pressure_grid: astropy.units.Quantity data pressure grid in `si` units temperature_grid: astropy.units.Quantity data temperature grid in `si` units wavenumber_grid: astropy.units.Quantity data wavenumber grid opacities: astropy.units.Quantity data opacities grid in `si` units frequency_grid: astropy.units.Quantity data frequency grid wavelength_grid: astropy.units.Quantity data wavelength grid ''' def __init__(self, input_data): ''' Parameters ---------- input_data: str or dict data file name or input_data dictionary. If the input is a `str`, the correspondent loader is used (:class:`~rapoc.loaders.ExoMolFileLoader`) if the file format is supported. If is `dict`, then :class:`~rapoc.loaders.DictLoader` is used. Raises ------- IOError: if data format is not supported Examples --------- Let's build the Rosseland method using an Exomol file as input >>> from rapoc import Rosseland >>> exomolFile = 'example.TauREx.h5' >>> model = Rosseland(input_data=exomolFile) Now the model is ready to be used ''' super().__init__(input_data) self.model_name = 'Rosseland'
[docs] def opacity_model(self, opacities, nu, T_input): """ This function computes the Rosseland Opacity model: .. math:: \\frac{1}{k} = \\frac{\\int_{\\nu_1}^{\\nu_2} k_{\\nu}^{-1} u(\\nu, T) d\\nu} {\\int_{\\nu_1}^{\\nu_2} u(\\nu, T) d\\nu} where :math:`\\nu_1` and :math:`\\nu_2` are the investigated frequency band edges, :math:`k_{\\nu}` is the input data opacity at a given frequency, and :math:`u(\\nu,T)` is the black body temperature derivative: .. math:: u(\\nu, T) = \\frac{\\partial B(\\nu, T)}{\\partial T} = 2 \\frac{h^2 \\nu^4}{c^2 k_b} \\frac{1}{T^2} \\frac{e^{\\frac{h \\nu}{k_b T}}}{(e^{\\frac{h \\nu}{k_b T}} -1)^2} Parameters ---------- opacities: np.array opacity array. Has the same dimension of the frequency grid `nu` nu: np.array frequency grid T_input: float temperature Returns ------- float mean opacity computed from the model """ return self._ross(opacities, nu, T_input).si
def _u_nu(self, nu, T): first_term = const.h ** 2 * nu ** 4 / const.c ** 2 / const.k_B second_term = 1 / T ** 2 exp_term = np.exp(const.h * nu / const.k_B / T) third_term = exp_term / (exp_term - 1) ** 2 return 2 * first_term * second_term * third_term def _ross(self, xsec, nu, T): i = np.where(xsec == 0)[0] if i.size == xsec.size: warnings.warn('Ktable is zero. A zero result has been forced', RuntimeWarning) return 0.0 * u.m ** 2 / # This is physically motivated else: xsec[i] = 1e-300 * xsec.unit # for numerical reasons we replace the zeros with a very small value. warnings.warn('Ktable contains zeros. They have been replaced with 1e-300', RuntimeWarning) top = np.trapz(1 / xsec * self._u_nu(nu, T), x=nu) bottom = np.trapz(self._u_nu(nu, T), x=nu) # top = np.sum( 1/xsec * u_nu(nu, T)) # bottom = np.sum( u_nu(nu, T)) return bottom / top